October 2023 – Students of the Month

Congrats to our October Students of the Month!

As we continue what has been a great school year, these students were selected after impressive showings in their respective program & in the classroom over the last month! Scroll down to read our Q&A with each program’s Student of the Month selection.

October 2023 – Students of the Month:

  • Christopher (Options Westfield Middle School)
  • Jaykob (Options Indiana Middle School)
  • Natalyn (Options with ABA)
  • Nathaniel (Options Indiana North)
  • Kymeera (Options Noblesville)
  • Jayden (Options Westfield High School)
  • Jeremy (Options Indiana South)

Options Westfield Middle School

Grade: 7th

When did you begin attending Options?
I started last school year, so this is my second year here.

Do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I enjoy drawing. I can draw a lot of different things, but I enjoy drawing characters from shows and comic books.

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
It was really easy to get to know the teachers and other students, and get comfortable here, which is nice.

Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?

What is your favorite subject in school?
Math – I’m good at it and it is an interesting challenge.

Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
I’m definitely more social that I was before I started at Options.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I would like to go to art school and work on character design, so I can eventually develop different types of media, either comics or shows.

Options Indiana Middle School

Grade: 8th
Hometown: Centerville/Hagerstown

How long have you been enrolled at Options?
Fall 2023.

Do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
Playing basketball, baseball, working out and spending time with family.

What is your favorite thing about attending Options Indiana?
I get to make my own schedule to fit school and sports into a day.

What is your favorite subject in school?
I like science when we learn about engineering because I want to be an engineer.

Do you have a favorite Options Indiana teacher or staff member?
My favorite teachers are Melanie and Kiersten because they have helped me feel welcome and support my goals.

Have you improved in any areas since enrolling at Options?
Time management because I have to plan my days to fit my Options classes, my Hagerstown class, my sports practices, and my workouts in.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I want to go to college and play basketball or baseball.

Options with ABA

Grade: 6th

Quote from teacher about student’s successes and/or why student was selected…
“Natalyn is an awesome peer model! Other students follow her example when she’s following the rules, whether that’s volunteering to answer a question or closing her computer right when the timer finishes. She always tries her best and comes to class ready to learn.”

How long have you been enrolled in Options with ABA?
This is my first year.

Do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
Yes. I like to watch videos on my phone and teach my toys how to do the school rules.

What is your favorite thing about attending Options with ABA?
Having brain break and cash in. Getting to see my friends.

What is your favorite subject in school?
Math because I’m good at math.

Have you improved in any areas since enrolling at Options?
I’m better at talking with people.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I want to be a doctor.

Options Indiana North

Grade: 12th
Hometown: Gaston, Indiana

How long have you been enrolled at Options?
I enrolled at Options in December 2021.

Do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
My hobbies include playing games such as Last of Us 1 and 2, Batman, Dead Space, and more. I also enjoy working on my schoolwork, spending time with family, and watching tv. 

What is your favorite thing about attending Options Indiana?
My favorite thing about options is being able to be on my own schedule and do work at my own pace. I also enjoy that the teachers and staff are very helpful and understanding.

What is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in school would have to be P.E. and English or Science because they are what I believe I am best at.

Do you have a favorite Options Indiana teacher or staff member?
I believe all my teachers and all the staff members at options are very helpful on a daily basis throughout the year. With that being said, my favorite teacher would have to be my advisor John Jewell because he is very helpful when it comes to notes on work and with his check-ins and meetings.

Have you improved in any areas since enrolling at Options?
I believe I have improved in all areas since I have enrolled at options because I have started trying and caring about my work and have a school that actually cares and helps students.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I do. My current plans for the future after I graduate are to try to get a house here in Indiana on a down payment then over the years pay for that house and eventually own it or sell it to move down to Tennessee with my girlfriend and become a professional writer and have a regular job on the side.

Simon Youth Academy at Options Noblesville

Grade: 12th

When did you begin attending Options?
I started at Options Noblesville in August 2020, so I’m in my fourth year here. 

Away from school, do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I like drawing and playing video games.

Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
Josh Curry and Stacie O’Flaherty. They are always so welcoming and supportive. 

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
The teachers and the staff here are way more understanding about situations that go on in your personal life and how it can impact other things like academic performance. They are also always offering to help, so even people that don’t want to ask questions receive the support they need. 

What is your favorite subject in school?
No, not really.

Have you improved in any areas since you first started attending Options?
I have improved socially.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for when you’re older, or after you graduate?
I don’t have any plans currently, but I am working towards graduating in May.

Options Westfield High School

Grade: 10th

When did you begin attending Options?
I started at Options during this current school year.

Away from school, do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I like to spend time with animals, and I also like helping people however I can. I like to help my neighbors when they need something also. 

Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
There are a couple people I really like here. I would say Joe and Emily. Steve is also really great.

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
I have always been very passionate about helping others in any way that they need help, and being at Options, there are a lot of people that are interested in helping me and everyone here.

What is your favorite subject in school?
Probably PE

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
Not right now. I am just working towards graduation.

Options Indiana South

Hometown: South side of Indianapolis, IN

When did you enroll at Options?
I enrolled during the 2021-22 school year.

Do you have any hobbies, passions, or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I enjoy playing video games or hanging out with family in my free time.

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
I love how nice and welcoming the teachers are. They are all very helpful.

What is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject is Health because I like learning about the body and how to stay active and healthy so I can live a long life.

Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
I feel like I have improved a good amount since I’ve been enrolled at Options. I’m understanding and remembering a lot more information in different subjects.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I am hoping to get into college or find a long-lasting career that I enjoy doing.

* About Options Schools *
Founded in 2002, Options Schools are free, public charter schools serving grade 6-12 students in all 92 school districts in the state of Indiana. With a high-quality, individualized approach to education, Options Schools specializes in providing students with an inclusive environment, unparalleled support, and a student-to-teacher ratio of 15-to-1. With brick-and-mortar campuses in Noblesville and Westfield, Options also offers additional programs in virtual & in-person formats.