November 2023 – Students of the Month

Congrats to our November Students of the Month!

As we approach the conclusion of the school year’s first semester, these students were selected after impressive showings in their respective program & in the classroom over the last month! Scroll down to read our Q&A with each program’s Student of the Month selection.

November 2023 – Students of the Month:

  • Kaedon (Options with ABA)
  • Brayden (Options Indiana Middle School)
  • Jaylen (Options Indiana South)
  • Caden (Options Westfield High School)
  • Cohen (Options Westfield Middle School)
  • Landon (Simon Youth Academy at Options Noblesville)

Options with ABA

Grade: 11th

Quote from teacher about student’s successes and/or why student was selected…
“Kaedon is an exceptional student. His drive and attention to detail is a model for the rest of class. He’s a perfectionist when it comes to classwork. He always impresses me with his creativity, he’s a fast learner and since the beginning of this school year he went from never playing guitar to playing intermediate level rock and blues. When I think about what a successful student looks like at Options, he is what I envision!” 

How long have you been enrolled in Options with ABA?
2 years

Do you have any hobbies, passions or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
Playing video games, playing the guitar, talking with friends, and being physically active

What is your favorite thing about attending Options with ABA?
My favorite thing about attending Options is the fact that the teachers and staff put more effort into the individual’s learning and take their time with certain students.

What is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in school is tied between 2 different subjects: Science and English. They are my favorite subjects because they can express my Creative, Observational, and Critical thinking abilities to the fullest.

Have you improved in any areas since enrolling at Options?
Overall, I have improved in all subjects and have become more active in my life since I was enrolled.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
My ultimate goal for after I graduate (both high school and college) is to become a Chemical Engineer as it is a job that always stood out to me.

Options Indiana Middle School

Grade: 7th

Where are you located in Indiana?
I am from Portage, and still live here now.

When did you begin attending Options?
This is my first year. I enrolled last spring to start this fall.

Do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I play soccer competitively for the Indiana Millennium. I also golf and enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
All the new friends I have made. Everyone is really nice.

What is your favorite subject in school?
English. I like what I have learned so far this year.

Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
I have improved in taking notes and getting better grades.  The teachers have all been very helpful.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I plan to go to college and study coding for computer science.

Options Indiana South

Grade: 9th
Hometown: Ellettsville

When did you begin attending Options?
During the second semester of 8th grade in December 2022.

Away from school, do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
Baseball. It’s my passion and has been since I was 3 years old. I like football too.

Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
Mrs. Melanie, Mrs. Kiersten and Mrs. Stacy in 8th grade because they were very nice and made me feel more comfortable starting a new school. They were there to help me and always made me feel positive about myself. Mrs. Drake in 9th because she pushes me to do my best, she gives me positive compliments on my work, and she checks on me to make sure I’m doing okay.

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
Being able to have one on one meetings if you need help. All of the teachers have been awesome and very helpful. 

What is your favorite subject in school?
History, learning about the past is super interesting to me.

Have you improved in any areas since you first started attending Options?

Yes, every subject. My family was shocked but so happy, I’ve never gotten all A grades before. I think it’s because there is more one-on-one time with the students and there aren’t a lot of distractions while attending online.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for when you’re older, or after you graduate?
I want to play college baseball, somewhere down south or in the west. Then hopefully go into the MLB. That is my dream and I know it’s a very little percentage that actually makes it to the MLB, but I feel if I work hard and focus on what’s important, I can make it happen.

Options Westfield High School

Grade: 9th 

How long have you been enrolled at Options?
In the middle of my 7th grade year.

Do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
Either spending time with friends or working. I help with mason work, building stuff and whatever else I can help with to make some extra money.

What is your favorite thing about attending Options Indiana?
I would say the teachers, and everyone is very friendly and approachable. It’s a good environment to learn.

What is your favorite subject in school?
Right now, it is Computer Science

Do you have a favorite Options Indiana teacher or staff member?
It is tough to pick one person because there are a lot of teachers I like. Definitely Blaine, Sean, JD and Elizabeth, but all of the staff members here are great.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I plan on enrolling in dual credit courses during my junior year, so I can become certified in welding & go into that career field. I know there is demand for that and it pays around $100,000 per year.

Options Westfield Middle School

Grade: 8th

When did you begin attending Options?
I started here at the beginning of this school year.

Away from school, do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I really like baseball. Playing baseball and watching also.

Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
I don’t have a favorite, but I like all the teachers.

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
I like having smaller classes.

What is your favorite subject in school?
Social Studies

Have you improved in any areas since you first started attending Options?
I feel like I get a lot more work done, and better with me productivity.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for when you’re older, or after you graduate?
I’m not sure right now.

Simon Youth Academy at Options Noblesville

Grade: 11th 

When did you begin attending Options?
During my freshman year. 

Away from school, do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I play guitar and I also play video games. That’s what I’m usually doing if I’m not like hanging out with friends.

Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
Probably Stacie. She’s so nice and always lights up the room.

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
I just think it’s a lot more like hands on with the students, but my previous school, I feel like they just don’t teach in a way that helps like this. There is not as one-on-one (instruction) because usually it’s more like to the general population. They also care about how you’re doing and stuff like that.

What is your favorite subject in school?
I enjoy History the most.

Have you improved in any areas since you first started attending Options?
I feel like I’m a lot happier in general.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I want to go to college to study and work in Social Work.

* About Options Schools *
Founded in 2002, Options Schools are free, public charter schools serving grade 6-12 students in all 92 school districts in the state of Indiana. With a high-quality, individualized approach to education, Options Schools specializes in providing students with an inclusive environment, unparalleled support, and a student-to-teacher ratio of 15-to-1. With brick-and-mortar campuses in Noblesville and Westfield, Options also offers additional programs in virtual & in-person formats.