December 2024 – Students of the Month

Congratulations to our December Students of the Month!

With the first half of the 2024-25 school year now complete, these students were selected after impressive showings in their respective programs & in the classroom over the last month! Scroll down to read our Q&A with each program’s Student of the Month selection.

December 2024 – Students of the Month:

  • Abigail (Options Indiana North)
  • Isabelle (Options Westfield Middle School)
  • Lucy (Options Noblesville)
  • Eli (Options with ABA)
  • Jermain (Options Indiana South)
  • Tolu (Options Westfield High School)
  • Shalom (Options Indiana Middle School)

Options Indiana North

Grade: 12th
Hometown: Fort Wayne, IN

When did you enroll at Options?
I have been enrolled at Options since 2020

Do you have any hobbies, passions, or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I’m incredibly passionate about learning all things feline behavior related! I spend the majority of my free time volunteering at animal shelters, working with local pet food pantries, researching cat behavior, & doing free cat behavior consultations. I try to take part in improving the welfare of animals in Fort Wayne as much as I can!

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
My favorite thing about Options is the compassionate team of teachers & advisors that dedicate all their time to helping students achieve their goals!

What is your favorite subject in school?
One of my favorite courses at Options was Understanding Diversity. I really valued being able to do deep dives into different societal phenomenons, as well as give my own perspective/commentary on those topics. I believe learning about sociology doesn’t just help all of us better understand ourselves but it also gives us the tools we need to address current societal problems.

Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
Since being enrolled at Options, I’ve improved my writing abilities, which I struggled with for quite some time prior to enrollment.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
As you may suspect, after graduation I plan to continue my path in becoming a professional feline behaviorist & consultant. This has been my passion for a while & I hope I can motivate others in being an active part of bettering their cat’s quality of life! Cats are surrendered to Indiana shelters daily for behavioral problems, due to the inaccessibility of feline behaviorists, my hope is that I can help change that fact.

Options Westfield Middle School

Grade: 7th

When did you begin attending Options?
At the beginning of this school year in August

Away from school, do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I am involved in musical theater and I play soccer. I have been in musical theater since I was seven years old and am currently performing in Seussical the Musical. In soccer, I play both goalkeeper and striker.

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
I like the teachers and how they go by their first names. I was homeschooled before I came to Options, so that took some adjusting, but it was a great transition because this isn’t a large school.

What is your favorite subject in school?
English and P.E.

Do you have a favorite teacher or staff member?
My English teacher Vince. He’s a really good teacher and I have learned a lot from him.

Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
I feel like I am better at writing, especially when it comes to several paragraphs and essays. I would also say communicating with teachers and other students.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?

I’m not really sure exactly what I want to do yet, but I’m thinking probably something like musical theater, like performing on Broadway, or playing soccer.

Simon Youth Academy at Options Noblesville

Grade: 11th

When did you enroll at Options?
Early in this school year

Do you have any hobbies, passions, or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I like to read and listen to music.

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
I like that the class sizes are smaller and the teachers are flexible and helpful.

What is your favorite subject in school?
History or Math

Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
My grades are better and I am more comfortable communicating

Do you have a favorite teacher or staff member?
I would say Beck and Wendy

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I want to go to college at IU Indy and then go to dental school to become a dental hygienist.

Options with ABA

Grade: 12th
Which campus do you attend? Fishers

Quote from teacher about student’s successes and/or why student was selected…
“Eli has become a great asset to our classroom. Eli has grown tremendously since he became part of our classroom at the beginning of the year. He is engaged and participates in classroom discussions. Eli has also become very personable and has a great sense of humor.”

When did you begin attending Options?
I have been enrolled since September of the 2024- 25 school year.

Away from school, do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I love playing video games, watching tv, playing soccer, sleeping and eating out. My favorite restaurant is The Old Spaghetti Factory.

What is your favorite thing about attending Options with ABA?
The teachers

What is your favorite subject in school?
I like History because I like learning about wars and I also like Government.

Have you improved in any areas since you first started attending Options?
Yes, I have improved in History.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for when you’re older, or after you graduate?
I think I might want to go to college after high school. I think I might want to be an electrical engineer.

Options Indiana South

Grade: 12th
Hometown: College Corner

When did you begin attending Options?
Beginning of the school year

Do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
Riding motorcycles

What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
That it is online so I have time for other things

Do you have a favorite teacher or staff member?
Of course my advisor Mrs. Whitney!

Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
Yes, English

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
Start a business.

Options Westfield High School

Grade: 9th

When did you begin attending Options?
When the school year started

Away from school, do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I enjoy art and watching television.

Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
Yes, I am better at school work and I have become more social.

What is your favorite subject in school?

What are your plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I would like to travel.

Options Indiana Middle School

Grade: 8th
Hometown: I was born in Nigeria, I am located in Noblesville, Indiana.

When did you begin attending Options?
September 2024

Do you have any hobbies or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
Playing football

What is your favorite thing about attending Options Indiana?
My favorite thing about Options Indiana is how dedicated each teacher is to making each student feel safe and welcome. They treat everyone equally in a kind manner.

What is your favorite subject in school?
Math has always been my favorite subject. Also, it is a fun subject to learn.

Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
No, I do not, although all the teachers have been kind and have helped me in many ways.

Have you improved in any areas since enrolling at Options?
I have improved in being able to learn different things faster. Since enrolling in Options I have had no problems solving mathematical problems or answering questions for my other subjects.

Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I plan to play football in college but I haven’t decided on a major yet.

* About Options Schools *
Founded in 2002, Options Schools are free, public charter schools serving grade 6-12 students in all 92 school districts in the state of Indiana. With a high-quality, individualized approach to education, Options Schools specializes in providing students with an inclusive environment, unparalleled support, and a student-to-teacher ratio of 15-to-1. With brick-and-mortar campuses in Noblesville and Westfield, Options also offers additional programs in virtual & in-person formats.