Our Approach to School Safety & Security

When most people think of school safety, they envision stern-faced security officers patrolling the halls, ready to enforce rules and maintain order. But at Options Schools, we’re challenging this traditional approach and redefining the role of school safety and security in a way that prioritizes relationships, mentorship, and a holistic approach to student well-being.

Our Director of School Safety, Joe Hopper, dives into the heart of the school safety team’s approach and how they’re able to identify and address issues early on before they have a chance to escalate. To learn more about how Options Schools prioritizes safety and security on our Indiana campuses, contact us today!

The Role of The School Safety Specialist

Our School Safety Specialists, Jenny Betz (Westfield) and Troy Fettinger (Noblesville) play a crucial role in creating a safe and supportive environment within our schools. As stated by the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO), well-founded programs aim to provide not only safe learning spaces but also valuable resources for school staff, nurturing positive relationships with students, and developing strategies to address youth-related issues. This holistic approach emphasizes not only security but also the overall well-being and success of every student, reflecting our belief that with the right guidance and opportunities, every child can thrive and excel.

Understanding The Relationship-Driven Approach

Under the leadership of Joe Hopper, our safety team has adopted a relationship-driven approach that focuses on mentorship, requiring safety personnel to have a background in safety and security along with mentorship training. This approach stands in stark contrast to the typical school resource officer model, which can oftentimes lead students to perceive security personnel as individuals to be feared or avoided. 

The focus on relationship-building enables us to detect early signs of potential issues, providing an opportunity to intervene before they escalate. As Hopper puts it, “It’s easy to notice when things are wrong. It’s easy to notice one thing when kids seem to struggle so we’re able to, because of our relationships with them, we’re able to head off a lot of problems, earning the kid’s respect, and being able to relate to them.”

Shifting Away from the Authoritative Model

Unlike the traditional school resource officer model, our approach aims to be one of mentorship and counseling rather than strict enforcement of rules. By seeking to understand the root causes of a student’s behavior and offering the necessary support and guidance, we are working to foster a more nurturing environment. 

As highlighted by Hopper, “Most of the kids, you know, they’re not bad kids. They make mistakes, but they want somebody there that tells you it’s okay, and we’re going to learn from it.”

Comprehensive Training and Expertise

Our safety team is comprised of individuals with diverse expertise, including professionals with law enforcement experience and mental health training. In addition to intensive weapons training and yearly qualifications, our team members also undergo mental health first aid, suicide prevention, and CPR certification to ensure that they are equipped to handle a wide range of situations.

Collaboration with Local Law Enforcement

Our commitment to safety extends beyond the school walls, as we have established strong partnerships with local law enforcement agencies. Through strategic collaborations with the Westfield and Noblesville Police Departments, we aim to ensure a comprehensive approach to school safety. These partnerships are formalized through memorandums of understanding, reflecting our dedication to engaging with external authorities to enhance the safety of our campuses.

Embracing Second Chances

At Options Schools, we hold a unique philosophy regarding expulsions and re-entry. Our collaboration with principals and enrollment teams to assess the best placement for returning students demonstrates a commitment to providing mentorship and support to facilitate student success. 

As Hopper articulates, “We work with kids, and we try to tell them, you know, just because you start in OI for a semester doesn’t mean you can’t earn your way into a building. And then once they come into the building, we’ve already got that connection. They already know, like, ‘Hey, this guy looked out for me’.”

Lasting Impact and Student Success

The impact of our approach to safety is evident in the profound influence it has had on the lives of our students. A testament to this impact is one parent’s reflection: “My kid wouldn’t have graduated if it wasn’t for you guys.” The dedication of our safety team and their long-term relationships with students have played a pivotal role in helping students overcome challenges and achieve academic success.

Options Schools Redefines the Role of School Safety & Security

At Options Schools, we are redefining the role of school security by prioritizing relationships, mentorship, and a holistic approach to student well-being. By moving away from the traditional authoritative model and embracing a more personalized, supportive approach, we are setting a new standard for ensuring the safety and support of our students. This departure from the norm is genuinely making a difference in the lives of the young people we serve.

Reach out today to discover how our innovative approach to safety and security can provide your child with the support they need to thrive!