Since 2016, Options Schools have offered unique and desirable online education opportunities through Options Indiana & has grown to serve students in 134 school districts throughout the state of Indiana. The main goal of our virtual program is to provide the educational flexibility necessary for those facing obstacles that limit their ability to attend school in person. Read on to learn more about the history of the program, what it consists of, and the benefits it offers our students!

If you are looking for a free, high-quality online education for your student in grades 6-12, contact Options Schools today!

How Options Indiana Came to Be

Around 2014, Options began serving some students through the ACE (Alternative Curriculum Environment) Program. Created out of student needs, the ACE Program provided the educational flexibility necessary for those facing obstacles that limited their ability to attend school in person, five days each week. Those students unable to be in the classroom would learn through paper packets to provide a hybrid format to ensure obstacles would not keep any student from obtaining their education and working towards their high school diploma.

Options Indiana is proud to be at the forefront of virtual learning with an unparalleled approach. “Early on we implemented virtual lessons because we couldn’t logistically meet with every student in person every week, and that’s when we started really understanding how we can be better educators–even if they live four hours away from us, it is about having that time spent,” Options Indiana program leader Jessica Sunderman describes. “You can still have education, even without having kids sitting in a classroom. It just has to look different for everybody. You just cannot expect that ‘Student A’ is going to have the same educational experience as ‘Student B.’”

With the combination of the closing of Indiana Virtual School in the summer of 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the demand and interest in a fully virtual program only increased for students throughout Indiana.

What Does the Options Indiana Program Look Like?

Options Indiana is comprised of a 16-person team, which enables us to reach students across the entire state. With our team located throughout the state of Indiana, we are able to provide an individualized approach that is second to none with regular communication and in-person student-teacher/advisor meetings. It is essential that we provide as much support as possible to every student in the program.

The curriculum is web-based and can be accessed any time of day, any day of the week. Students are expected to complete 20 hours of work per seven-day week, with students able to set their schedule to achieve the necessary requirement.

Benefits of Online Learning

We firmly believe in the power of online learning for a number of reasons. The program helps provide a unique opportunity for students in search of an academic environment
where they can ‘Belong, Believe and Achieve.’ Students enroll in Options Indiana for any combination of reasons – some of which are health issues, schedule constraints, or personal preference.

“We continue to grow to serve students in all types of situations,” said Options Indiana program leader Linda Cunningham. “Adding dual credit classes online for kids has been a great benefit because they see that they’re getting a jumpstart on college. It prepares them for how college classes are going to be. We also have students who are going out and being trained in a trade. I have one who’s in a welding class right now. Students don’t just leave with that piece of paper, but they can leave with a job and start a career.”


Whether it be for distance, work / family commitments, or a medical issue, we make sure that anyone who wants to learn through Options Indiana gets a chance to. Virtual learning helps us achieve that seamlessly. Each student is paired with a certified advisor to help set and monitor weekly progress goals.

While teachers do not see the students on a daily basis like in a traditional classroom, our team takes pride in investing in each individual student and as a result, they make themselves available around the clock. This ensures that our students have direct access to their educators when they need them most.

Personalized Attention

Options Indiana program leader Melanie Martin-Terrell is one of many who deeply believes in the positive impact Options Indiana has on our students: “I very much believe that the relationships built, especially with the advisors, really resonate and are significant for students. Our teachers really just extend beyond the norm, and make the sacrifice and make the commitment to help our students most appropriately.”

Students find a home at Options, and it has blossomed into a program that has grown to meet student needs. The biggest thing is the unparalleled flexibility that allows students to set their pace and schedule for learning.


Allowing students to learn on their own terms gives them a greater sense of independence. Online learning teaches them accountability, time management skills, and internal motivation. Because Options Indiana students are responsible for their own schedules, they must learn to take responsibility over their education. Part of our mission at Options Schools is to prepare students to become successful and responsible members of society, and online learning through Options Indiana does just that.

If you are located in the state of Indiana and are looking for a unique and customizable online education experience for your student, contact Options Schools today!