Dual Credit Offerings at Options Schools

Options Schools students have the chance to pursue dual credit course opportunities that provide students with the ability to earn college or trade credit, while simultaneously earning their high school diploma from Options.

Options Schools offers a variety of 28 college & career pathways – within those pathways, 111 pathway courses are available to students, along with 80 Ivy Tech dual credits and 29 certifications. (more info)

Options Schools Career Pathways for the 2023-24 school year:

What advanced credit programs are available to select from?

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
With Rob Stewart, Options Schools Advanced Learning Specialist

How can a student qualify or become eligible to enroll in dual credit courses?
In order to enroll in dual credit courses, a student must be in good academic standing, with good attendance, due to the increased rigor and time demand that comes with dual credit work. Students are usually referred to the program via recommendation from an advisor, counselor or teacher. All dual credit programs are available to students, beginning their junior year. There is also the possibility for 10th grade students to qualify and enroll in the second semester of their 10th grade year, based on their PSAT scores. Starting in 11th grade, if a student has a GPA of 2.6 and above, they’re qualified for any dual credits. That isn’t always the case, as we do get students to test and qualify otherwise.  We use the IVY Tech Knowledge Assessment in most cases to get students to qualify (KA information).

What does a student need to do to enroll in dual credit courses?
Interested students can reach out to a number of Options team members to pursue dual credit opportunities, including Rob Stewart, Amy Westrich, or the student’s advisor or counselor. A ‘College and Career interests’ form is also sent out annually to Options Schools students, which allows students to express interest in a number of areas, including elective courses, Advanced Placement courses and future college & career interests.

What are the benefits of dual credit or Advanced Placement courses?
The biggest deal for students is that they can end up knocking out a year of college classes (and expenses) and already have a number of courses out of the way, when they go to college. Many students are finishing Algebra 2 during their junior year, which is typically the last course in the Core 40 pathway, so if they need some sort of next-level class, they might as well make it a dual credit course. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are another way that students can obtain college course credit, while simultaneously earning their high school diploma. AP classes can also provide a grade point average (GPA) boost to students, as select courses that are the equivalent of another available class, the GPA is weighted, so that can improve a student’s overall GPA to above a 4.0.

What’s the difference between dual credit and Advanced Placement classes?
For dual credit courses, students are enrolled in a course and earn the credit once the course is completed. Advanced Placement courses are created and offered through The College Board, which keeps the courses consistent in all schools across the nation. When taking an AP course, students take an exam at the end of the course, and if they perform well enough on the test, the score will earn the student college credits at their selected school.

What classes are available?
There are a number of course offerings available through our different programs and partners. For instance, Ivy Tech is offering three paths in the 2023-24 school year: welding, human social services, and criminal justice. Options specializes in human social service, computer science & business classes, so students are able to take those courses at an Options campus when they’re offered. Rob can provide more insight on course availability.

What is the cost to enroll in and take courses?
There is no cost to enroll or take courses. Some courses might have supply requirements, such as books or other items that students will need to purchase. Options is also able to provide assistance, if needed.

How can my completed dual credits be transferred?
Options offers credits that are part of the Indiana College Core, which allows credits to easily be transferred around the state.