Jacob Brandau

Educational Background
- Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture with Minor in Mathematics
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Mathematics)
- Master’s Degree in Education Administration and Supervision
- Licensed in Mathematics teaching
- Licensed Principal
When did you join the Options team?
August 2006
What are some things you love about being part of the Options’ team?
I love working with our staff. They are caring, funny, and feel like my extended family. I love the relationships that I have created with students over the years. Being able to follow students progress after graduation is just as rewarding as the day they graduated. I feel more supported and cared for by my co-workers and bosses than any place I have ever been. I am so thankful for that.
What do you enjoy outside of Options?
I have a wonderful family. My wife, Amy, is a teacher, my daughter, Ava, is 7 years old, and my son, Jack, is 4 years old. They are so much fun and keep my life unpredictable. I am a very active person. I will always think of myself as a runner, but I am currently competing in triathlons.