Amy Westrich

Staff in Noblesville & Carmel, IN | Options Charter School

Educational Background

  • Completed 21 credit hours toward a Master’s Degree in Social Work, Indiana University
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Ball State University (2006)

When did you join the Options team?
January 2022

When did you begin working in the field of education?
I have been a Juvenile Probation Officer for the last 15 years. I have been assigned to work with probation youth who attend Options Charter Schools since 2009. Working with Options staff and students for the past 12 years has been a wonderful and rewarding experience. I love seeing the passion Options staff have for their students and cannot wait to be a part of the team.

What do you enjoy outside of Options?
Outside of work, I stay busy running around after my 3 young boys and love spending time with my husband, friends, and family.


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