Congrats to our October Students of the Month!
These students have had an impressive start to the new quarter & the school year overall! Scroll down to read our Q&A with each program’s Student of the Month selection.
October 2022 – Students of the Month:
- Jenna (Options Westfield High School)
- Piper (Options Westfield Middle School)
- Josh (Options Noblesville)
- Clay (Options Noblesville)
- Taryn (Options Indiana North)
- Mason (Options Indiana South)
- San Juan (Options Indiana Middle School)
- Alex (Options with ABA)
Options Westfield High School
Grade: 11th
When did you begin attending Options?
Last year, I started just before the end of the first quarter of my sophomore year
Away from school, do you have any hobbies, passions, or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I do a lot of volunteer theater work, working on the stage crew to help in show production. I help with a combination of moving set pieces, handling curtains, and more throughout the show.
Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
Sean – he’s got a great personality and is really helpful. He’s also into Dungeons & Dragons which some of us enjoy playing also.
What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
Everyone is just so welcoming, and so is the environment. I also know that the teachers are supportive and understanding that we’re human.
What is your favorite subject in school?
I like history and math.
Have you improved in any areas since you first started attending Options?
I can say I’ve definitely become more comfortable and better at actually advocating for myself. That isn’t something I was able to do at times when my class had like another 30 students.
Do you have any current plans or aspirations for when you’re older, or after you graduate?
I would like to go to school for Cosmetology. I want to eventually do hairdressing and have my own chair within a salon. I always liked being a ‘little helper’ to my hairdresser when I was little, so I think that’s where the passion started.
Options Westfield Middle School
Grade: 7th
When did you begin attending Options?
I started here in August, at the beginning of this school year
Do you have any hobbies, passions, or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I like drawing and I like spending time with my friends. I like to draw a variety of things, either with markers or pencils.
What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
I’ve really enjoyed all the people here – both meeting new friends and how nice & welcoming the teachers are.
Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
I would probably say Steve & Rob. They’re both great people and easy to talk to.
What is your favorite subject in school?
I like math
Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
I feel like I’ve grown a lot, especially in math. At my other school, my grades and my schoolwork weren’t really the best, but I’ve improved a lot here.
Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I think I want to go to college & maybe go into Nursing.
Options Noblesville
Grade: 12th
When did you begin attending Options?
Since August 2022
Away from school, do you have any hobbies, passions, or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I don’t do too much, just spend time at home and have been focusing on working towards graduation.
Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
Robyn & Thomas – they’re great people that have been supportive throughout the year
What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
At my previous school, it was hard to get help from teachers at times and it wasn’t easy to ask either. With there being so many less students here, it is easier to get that help even with something that just takes two minutes. They’re willing to help you when you need it.
What is your favorite subject in school?
We have a Relations & Emotions class now that has been early interesting to be a part of
Have you improved in any areas since you first started attending Options?
I feel like I’ve been able to really focus on my grades and my classes because with less students, it is a lot less crazy that what I’m used to. I’ve been able to lock in and focus on my goals.
Do you have any current plans or aspirations for when you’re older, or after you graduate?
I would like to go into the Air Force or Air Force Reserve. I’m a very independent person, and I think it would be a great experience and something that would be beneficial to me.
Options Noblesville
Grade: 9th
When did you begin attending Options?
August 15 of this school year
Away from school, do you have any hobbies, passions, or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I really enjoy listing to music, and Pierce The Vail is my favorite band.
Do you have a favorite Options teacher or staff member?
Stacie and Robyn. They are the perfect balance of approachable and have expectations for us.
Have you improved in any areas since you first started attending Options?
My mental health has improved
Do you have any current plans or aspirations for when you’re older, or after you graduate?
I am thinking about going to college and becoming a marine biologist. I’ve always had a strong passion for that field since a young age. I’ve loved orcas for as long as I can remember.
Options Indiana North
Grade: 12th
Hometown: Arcadia, IN
When did you enroll at Options?
I enrolled last school year, during the season semester
Do you have any hobbies, passions, or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
In my free time I enjoy silence & my friends of course.
What have you enjoyed most about the Options experience?
My favorite thing about options is how easy the schooling is & the teachers. Especially my advisor.
What is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject as of right now would be peer counseling. It teaches me stuff for the real world.
Do you have a favorite teacher or staff member?
Of course, I have a favorite advisor, Charles, he is very understanding & easy to talk to.
Have you improved in any areas since starting at Options?
I feel I’ve improved everywhere since I moved to Options online, the stress overload from school was too much. This is way easier to handle & I’m doing great so far.
Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I currently don’t know what I want to do after I graduate. I am still working on what I want to be my main path for the rest of my life!
Options Indiana South
Grade: 12th
Hometown: Indianapolis
When did you enroll at Options?
In the middle of my sophomore year
Do you have any hobbies, passions or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
I like to sew and make clothes. When I finish making a piece that I have worked hard on it’s one of the most rewarding feelings.
What is your favorite thing about Options Indiana?
My favorite thing is that you can work on your schoolwork whenever you want. I have time to hang out with my girlfriend, sew, go to work etc., so my life has a good balance.
Do you have a favorite teacher or staff member in Options Indiana?
Deanne because she is so nice and has helped me for so long.
What is your favorite subject in school?
I would say history because it’s cool to know what people did years ago.
Have you improved in any areas since enrolling at Options?
I am happier at options because I am not always swarmed with schoolwork and have time to do other things.
Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
I want to keep making clothes and maybe open a store one day.
San Juan
Options Indiana Middle School
Grade: 8th
Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana
When did you enroll at Options?
The beginning of January 2022
Do you have any hobbies, passions, or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
Yes, I love playing basketball and spending time with my family, and i like to cook.
What is your favorite thing about Options Indiana?
My favorite thing about Options is my relationship I have with the teachers. They’re very caring.
What is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject is science because it’s just different and exciting and it’s all real facts when it comes to science.
Do you have a favorite teacher/advisor or staff member in Options Indiana?
They are all my favorite because they are very caring and interactive with me.
Have you improved in any areas since enrolling at Options?
I have improved my grades and I have improved doing my work everyday and waking up earlier to be more productive.
Do you have any current plans or aspirations for after you graduate?
Yes, I have some plans. I want to go to the NBA. If something goes wrong, I want to be an entrepreneur.
Options with ABA
Grade: 9th
“Alex was selected because he has made so much progress with advocating for himself and with trying his best at any activity he is working on.”
– Quote from Options with ABA staff about Leland
How long have you been enrolled in Options with ABA?
This is Alex’s 3rd school year at Options
Do you have any hobbies, passions or ways you enjoy spending your free time?
Alex enjoys music, cooking activities, and being active. He also likes to play on the iPad.
What is your favorite subject in school?
Alex loves Physical Education (P.E.) and GoNoodle Fresh Start exercises
Have you improved in any areas since enrolling at Options?
Since enrolling at Options, Alex has really increased his overall flexibility and willingness to try new things. This year, Alex has done a wonderful job learning and working our school based vocational jobs.
* About Options Schools *
Founded in 2002, Options Schools are free, public charter schools serving grade 6-12 students in 135 school districts (and counting) across Indiana. With a high-quality, individualized approach to education, Options Schools specializes in providing students with an inclusive environment, unparalleled support, and a student-to-teacher ratio of 15-to-1. With brick-and-mortar campuses in Noblesville and Westfield, Options also offers additional programs in virtual, hybrid, and in-person formats.